An important and particularly significant moment in this historical period, because it was finally possible to find each other physically, even if with the necessary precautions.
The Campiello Prize, interpreting the attitude of the entrepreneurial class and not giving up in the face of difficulties and seeking alternative solutions to the challenges imposed by the contemporary world, has not in fact stopped its business, continuing its path even in this difficult and painful year.
This event is the concrete testimony of the social and cultural commitment of Italian entrepreneurs, because culture plays a fundamental role in the formation and construction of people’s identity, even in times of difficulty.
Already in the name the Campiello Prize brings with it its meaning, the idea of the connection between people and between cultures, of sharing, of dialogue. Because the campiello is the symbolic place of life Venetian public. The place where we gather to tell and tell, to conclude shops, to declaim their own stories.
The Jury of Writers, this year directed by Paolo Mieli, has chosen the following five (from around 200 candidates): Sandro Frizziero, author (born in 1987, from Chioggia) of Sommerso (Fazi); the poet Patrizia Cavalli, with the (poetic) prose of With Japanese Steps (Einaudi); the singer-songwriter and writer Francesco Guccini with Tralummescuro – Ballad for a country at sunset (Giunti); Remo Rapino with Life, Death and Miracles by Bonfiglio Liborio (minimum fax), this year’s candidate with the same book also for the Strega; and Ade Zeno, with The enchantment of the sunfish (Bollati Boringhieri).